What Could Be Causing Your Tooth To Hurt?

28 November 2022
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

Tooth pain comes from untreated sensitivity that leads to escalated symptoms like enamel erosion, tooth decay, and harm to the gums. Although toothaches are uncomfortable, the degree of pain does not always reflect how severe the problem could be. For this reason, it is best to visit the dentist for tooth pain, whether it's mild or severe. This article outlines some of the most common causes of toothache and possible solutions.

You Might Have Gum Disease

Gum disease is a leading cause of tooth pain. The condition comes with symptoms like pain in the gums, inflammation, redness, and swelling. Before it worsens to periodontitis or gum disease, you might initially suffer from gingivitis. This is a condition that leads to swollen and inflamed gums. In any case, a dental healthcare expert can examine your mouth to perform a diagnosis. Based on their findings, treatment options for the conditions include the use of antibiotics and, if the damage to your gums is extensive, surgery.

Your Tooth Might Be Decayed

Tooth decay is another possible culprit behind a toothache. Decay is a process that can begin with something as minor as a sensitive tooth. When the enamel gets exposed to acidic substances, the tooth becomes reactive to hot and cold fluids. Failure to rectify this sensitivity leads to both the enamel and dentin wearing out, exposing the pulp cavity. Once the pulp becomes exposed, bacteria gets into the soft tissue, leading to a pus-filled abscess inside the tooth. At this point, you might experience extreme levels of tooth pain. A dental healthcare practitioner can assess the cavity and determine whether to use a filler, do a root canal, or remove the tooth.

Your Tooth Might Be Impacted

A new tooth should grow upwards and shoot through the gum. However, some teeth do not do this, usually because of the presence of other teeth in the path they ought to follow to emerge. Regardless of how impaction manifests, get a dentist to resolve it as soon as possible because it can cause significant pain. In addition, the inflammation at the site of impaction often leads to swelling and pus, which is likely to worsen your misery. The dental practitioner may recommend resolving the impaction by extracting the tooth.

Other dental health issues that can lead to toothache include cracked and chipped teeth, some forms of heart attack, and trauma to the tooth. Before recommending the most suitable course of treatment, the dentist will conduct tests and ascertain the underlying cause of your tooth pain.

Contact a dentist for more information. 
