Reasons Why Professional Dental Cleanings Are Important

20 April 2021
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

Brushing and flossing at home is an important part of preventative dental care. But, you should also have your teeth cleaned at the dentist's office. You may think you don't need to have an extra cleaning at the dentist. After all, your teeth seem fine, and you brush and floss diligently. However, brushing and flossing at home is not enough. Learn more about why dental cleanings are an important part of preventative dental care and why you should not skip them.

What Is Different About Professional Dental Cleanings?

Professional dental cleanings are more intensive than home care. Despite how well you do with your home hygiene, you never get all the plaque. The dental hygienist uses scraping tools to remove hard plaques that form along the gum lines. They then polish them to complete the process.

How Do Professional Dental Cleanings Prevent Problems?

Your teeth and mouth are thoroughly examined at least every other cleaning. The examination helps detect problems like cavities and early oral cancer before they become major. Also, when plaques are allowed to persist, they can cause gum disease and tooth loss. In the end, this leads to more pain and expensive procedures.

Plaques and tarter can break down tooth material and cause cavities. These substances also irritate the gums and can cause them to swell and pull away from the root of your teeth. In addition to improving the health of your teeth, professional cleanings make your teeth look better. They remove stains that dull your smile and make your teeth appear more yellow or gray.

What Other Problems Do Lack of Professional Cleanings Cause?

In addition to tooth and gum disease and oral cancer, you may experience other problems when you don't have professional cleanings. Many people may not realize that severe halitosis, or bad breath, is related to their teeth and gums. Excessive bacteria and plaque, as well as infected gums, can cause an increase in odors.

Some recent research also suggests that dental issues can affect other parts of the body. For example, if you already have diabetes, poor oral health could affect that condition and vice versa. People with chronic health conditions often have a higher chance of dental problems. Professional cleaning is critical to their oral and physical health.

Most people should have their teeth cleaned at least every six months. Some people, especially those with chronic and severe dental problems or risks, may need more frequent cleanings. Your dentist or dental hygienist will advise you on the frequency. If you are interested in a dental cleaning or other preventative dental care, contact a local dental office for more information and an appointment.
