Do Your Gums Bleed Often? What You Can Do

29 November 2019
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

Bleeding gums are a fairly common occurrence. However, gums that bleed often or with every brush may be cause for concern. The presence of blood when brushing indicates the gums may not be healthy and need attention from a periodontist. If your gums bleed frequently, here are some suggestions to try:

Be Sure to Remove All Plaque

Bleeding gums are most commonly caused by plaque buildup along the gum line. Over time, if the plaque is not completely removed, it can get hard. This turns into tarter and is difficult to remove without the assistance of a dental professional. Tarter is calcified plaque that can attract more plaque. The longer the tarter and plaque builds on itself, the worse your gum health will be. To best deal with plaque, you have to have a good oral hygiene routine. Brush and floss several times a day and rinse with mouthwash to help remove bacteria.

Change Your Toothbrush

Your bleeding gums can just be a result of using a toothbrush that is too rough for your gums. A medium or firm bristle brush can do a thorough job when cleaning the teeth but may irritate the gums, especially if they are already sensitive. You can still get clean teeth with a softer toothbrush that will not hurt your gums as much.

Adjust Your Diet

What you eat and drink can also impact the health of your gums. When your diet consists of excessive sugar and simple carbohydrates, you may notice a negative impact on your gums. Bacteria uses sugar to grow plaque and tarter. This can also cause decay, which will irritate the gums and cause them to bleed.

Try to eat fewer sugar-laden foods and drinks and add healthy vegetables and some fruit. You can still have a treat every now and then, but you need to brush immediately afterward to prevent plaque buildup and irritated gums.

Consider Medication

If you are on prescription medication or take any sort of medication that thins the blood, you may notice bleeding gums more frequently. These medications will decrease the thickness of your blood and cause the gums to bleed more profusely. There are also some medications that can cause bleeding gums as a side effect. If your gums are bleeding more often than usual and you recently began a new medication, be sure to ask your doctor or periodontist to find out what to do.
