What To Do If Your Filling Breaks

27 July 2017
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

That silver (or white) filling in your mouth serves a purpose. It is holding your tooth together and protecting the root and the rest of your tooth from further damage. It could be just a temporary fix though, as some fillings can wear down or break over time. You need to care for your teeth and these fillings in order to prevent this from happening. In the event of a filling breaking or wearing down, you should know what to do. See below for helpful tips on what to do if you lose a filling and dental care tips to keep your teeth in top shape:

See Your Dentist

Should you lose a filling, or begin to feel pain in a tooth that has been filled previously, it could be a sign of a breach in your filling. If not taken care of, you could end up needing a root canal, which could be quite painful (and costly). As soon as you notice a problem with a filling (or any other dental issue), it's imperative that you see your dentist right away for a checkup and to have your filling inspected. Don't wait to see the dentist, get in right away. If you find your filling, don't try to put it back into your mouth. You'll end up losing it again, and could damage the teeth around it if you chomp down on it and it isn't all the way in. Try not to eat anything on that side and avoid foods that are too hot or too cold that could irritate the tooth.

Caring For Your Filling

Your filling is hard, but it isn't indestructible.

  • Don't eat hard or sticky candy that could potentially break the filling (or your perfectly healthy teeth). Try to stick with sugar-free gum that won't stick to the filling (and it's actually better for your teeth). 
  • Brush your teeth twice daily, and be sure to brush the tops of your molars as well to get in those small crevices that can easily become cavities.
  • Floss daily and use mouthwash to clean in areas where the toothbrush cannot reach.
  • See your dentist every six months for a checkup and cleaning. He'll check that filling to be sure it's still in good shape.
  • Never use your teeth for anything but chewing food. Your teeth aren't made to open up bottles or packages, or to chew on hard objects such as pen caps and pencils.

Care for your teeth and your fillings to prevent dental issues. Be sure to see your dentist every six months for a checkup and cleaning. Contact a dental office that can help fix a broken filling for more information and assistance. 
